
ネパール2014春調査報告 6

ネパール2014春調査報告 6

                                           写真1 見えますか。スモッグに隠されたマチャプチャリ峰(52日)

                      写真2 トウモロコシ畑の除草をする女性(53日)

最近のポカラはスモッグがひどく、ヒマラヤが良くは見えません(写真1)。豪雨と雹で空がきれいになるのですが、それでは農家の人が大変困ります。今はトウモロコシ(ネパール語でマッカイ)の成長期ですので、農家の人は適度のマッカイ コ パニ(トウモロコシ  雨)を望んでいます(写真2)。ぼくのようなよそ者は豪雨と雹の激しい雨を、地元の農家の人はトウモロコシのためのやさしい雨を望みます。ポカラに居て、うまいこと両立しないのが最近の感想です。ただ、スモッグを減らし、大気汚染さえなければ、両立するような気がします。そこでぼくは、2008年からポカラの国際山岳博物館で学芸員をしましたので、その年の米国オバマ大統領のスローガン「Yes, we can.」をもじって、下記のような展示をおこないました。

     "Yes, we can." 富士山が東京から見えるようになったように、努力すれば、マチャプチャリもポカラから見えるようになる。


資料1 2014年春ネパール調査(4) ツラギ

            写真3 博物館を訪ねてくれたグルンさん親子(手前にお土産のお酒:53日)

ところで、来週はICIMOD(総合的山岳開発国際センター)の国際会議で、友人、BajracharyaさんやMoolさんから会議の詳しい内容が届き、参加者は発表内容の要旨を331日までに送ることになっていましたが、55日までに送れば、ポスター・セッションに参加できると言ってくれましたので、大急ぎで下記原稿を仕上げました。ぼくの話の内容は上記資料1と、前にお伝えした「なぜ、ネパールの大規模氷河湖は決壊しないのか」(資料2)で、“大きな氷河湖は比較的安全なので、自然破壊を伴う人工的な水路をを作るような工事はしないこと。氷河湖決壊洪水の危険性が高いのは小さな氷河湖なので、必要な手立てをする必要があること” (写真4)を主張しようと思っています。

資料2 なぜ、ネパールの大規模氷河湖は決壊しないのか

                        写真4 会議で発表する基本的内容

Why is a large glacial lake safe against GLOF ?
Hiroji Fushimi
Japanese Society of Snow and Ice
1 Preface
Since 1970, I have  been studying glaciers and glacial lakes in Nepal Himalayas and I found that many glaciers are receding and glacial lakes are expanding, and the Mingbo (Nare) GLOF occurred in 1977 when I had stayed in Khumbu (Fushimi et al,1985) . After that, we had experienced the Lagmoche (Digtso) GLOF in 1985 and the Saboi GLOF in 1999 in the Khumbu region and nearby. I must notice that all of them are smaller glacial lake which area is less than 1 km2.and no larger glaciers occurred the GLOF in the region.

2 Why is a large glacial lake safe against GLOF ?
The Tulagi glacial lake is located at the upper part of the Dana Khola, one of the Marshangdi’s tributary river in the west of Mt. Manasulu. The water level of Tulagi glacial lake has been lowered due to erosion at the end moraine and the  erosion rate is about 10 cm/y since the 18th  glacial advance that indicates to lower the GLOF risk. At the same time, the lake level continuously lowers in recent years since 1990’s. I noticed that the same kind of the lowering lake level is occurring in Imja glacial lake.

The end moraine structure of a large glacial lake is strong enough to prevent the occurrence of the GLOF that is completely different from a small glacial lake with steep cliff at the upper part of the lake producing avalanches directly dropping into the lake causing TUNAMI to destroy the fragile end moraine ice-cored and cause the above GLOF in 1977, 1985 and 1999 in Khumbu area and nearby, east Nepal.

3 No man-made canal construction necessary for the larger glacial lake like the Tulagi
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Nepal made an agreement to implement the Community Based Flood and Glacial Lake Outburst Risk Reduction Project (CBFGLOF) to minimise threats of the Imja glacial lake to nearly 100‚000 people (The Himalayan Times, 2013).

There is a possibility that one of the large glacial lake, the Imja, is also taking the same process which I observed in the Tulagi glacial lake, so we must study and make  necessary field observations before making such kind of the big project experienced in the Tso Rolpa glacial lake before. As the ICIMOD (2011) reported “Imja Tso has less likihood of outburst than Tulagi lake”, here I reported the Tulagi is safe agaist the so called GLOF, so  I don’t know why the UNDP and Nepal government made such an above agreement. Such sort of man-made canal construction kills the valuable and prestine Himalayan nature, unless it is truly inevitable.

4 Conclusions and Recommendations
What is the higher risk of the GLOF ?; It is not a large glacial lake, but a small glacial lake.  Relatively larger glacial lakes such as the Tulagi and the Imja are safe against GLOF, however we must be very careful about the small glacial lakes developing, for example, in the Hong Khola near Mt. Chamlang and it is needed a man-made treatment to prevent the GLOF to such small glacial lakes with steep cliff in the upper part of the accumulation area, but not to the large glacial lake. 

5)  References
1) Fushimi et al, 1985 Nepal case study: Catastrophic Flood. Techniques for prediction of runoff from glacierized areas, International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 149, 125-130.
2)  The Himalayan Times 2013 Nepal, UNDP ink deal on cutting flood risk.
3)  ICIMOD  2011  Glacial Lakes and Glacial Lake Outburst Floods in Nepal. Kathmandu: ICIMOD.


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